The service allows you to present available offers in travel agencies in a modern and attractive way.
Offers can be displayed on TV screens, LCD monitors, projectors and other media carriers.
This is an increasingly used attractive form of presentation that attracts customers’ attention more effectively. Due to the fact that the offers are updated in real time, the presentations contain offers available on-line, and their prices are updated automatically.
Designing this product, we took into account the comments of Travel Agents. Thanks that it is a response to the real needs of travel agencies.

The module is planned in such a way to enable personalization of colours and data included in the presentation.
It is Agent who decides whether the organizer’s logo is visible, whether the hotel description or alternative available dates of tours are displayed. The presentation may also include the Agent’s logo so that the name of the Agent’s office is immediately visible next to the offers.
To run this service, you only need a carrier with Internet access and an up-to-date browser. Recommended minimum screen resolution of the media is 1280 × 960.
How to order an LCD module?
The service is available to Agents with full access to the TOM24 reservation system.
PLN 80 net for 1 locationwhere the presentation will be launched.
As a part of this module, the Agent receives:
- access to the offer management panel on LCD screen,
- training in defining display of offers on LCD screen,
- the ability to display an unlimited number of tours.
If your needs go beyond the presented product capabilities, do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss the scope of extending the service. We are open to your needs and we will be happy to help you achieve your vision.