

Information about the company owners

Advantages of investing in BlueVendo:

We create a strong brand that is associated with innovation and trust

We build and maintain strong financial discipline, developed in good and bad times

We develop and implement the best methods of operational management

We are competitive due to the quality and timeliness of our services

At BlueVendo, we want to be a company with a position of the leader or vice-leader in the markets we support in the service that we provide. We believe that this is within our reach. We have a great team, over five years of experience and two hundred satisfied customers. We are sure that the principles we follow bring us closer to the goal we have set to ourselves. We know that we will face hard work, openness and honesty in assessing our effects. All this to create the best conditions for the talent and commitment that we have. All to become the best in our field of service.

Separate contact for shareholders